Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.34). Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. Be careful before using the write command. Command (m for help): n # 输入n创建新分区 Partition number (1-128, default 1): First sector (34-20969472, default 2048): Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-20969472, default 20969472): 20969472 # 输入计算好的结束扇区索引
Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux filesystem' and of size 10 GiB. Partition #1 contains a ext4 signature.
Do you want to remove the signature? [Y]es/[N]o: Y
The signature will be removed by a write command.
Command (m for help): w # 输入w使修改生效 The partition table has been altered. Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks.